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Showing posts from April, 2018

Data Analytics for Business Excellence

Abstract Data Analytics has been around from 2004. The Apple, Amazon, Google have adopted to the concept from 2006-2007. The demand was a result of web, apps, and I.o.T. (internet of Things),that spurred the number of users on all these mediums.(also referred as Digitization) Also it required special needs of database and handling of new data that emerged out from these usages’. The IT already had a solution in the form of NoSQL (origin 1960) but neglected till 2004. This provided the simple, scalable and efficient and also fails proof solution. BigTable (Google), Dynamo (Amazon), Cassandra (Facebook) and Mongo DB (used in CERN Project) The use of above tools combined with analytical requirements normally based on statistical theory is most useful for Business where in all functionalities are evaluated to ensure the sustainability of Corporation. European Quality Foundation Quality Management System and Balridge Criteria for Performance are two such systems adopted worldwide. In ...